2024 Village Board Meeting Minutes
Crainville Village Board Meeting
Tuesday November 12, 2024
Mike Harbin Yea Sam Jones Yea
Julie Aue Nay John Oetjen Yea
Martin Bruyns Jr. Yea Jim Rains Yea
Brad Olson Yea Jaci Chapman Yea
Tena Steinacher Yea
A quorum was present:
Minutes from the October 8, 2024 Board Meeting were presented. There was one correction. On Page 4 the minutes should be amended to clarify that the Special Use Permit for SV SCG Corbell, LLCC will begin on the date that the Solar Garden goes online.
Motion 1: Harbin made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to approve the October 8, 2024 Village Board Meeting minutes as corrected. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
The Treasurer’s report was given to all Board Members prior to the meeting.
Motion 2: Oetjen made the motion and Bruyns seconded the motion to approve bringing $30,000 from the Illinois Funds to the Village of Crainville’s General Fund. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
November 2024 bills were presented. There was one correction the bill for Roland Machinery was paid in October and should be removed from the November bills.
Motion 3: Harbin made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to pay the November 2024
bills as amended. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
Visitor Participation
No Visitor Participation.
PSC Engineering Reports (Ron Potts)
Samuel Road/ Paint Striping--Update
BC Contracting has finished the ditching, seeding, and blanketing on Samuel Road. Speed limit signs on Samuel Road will remain at 35 miles per hour and the road will not have load limit signs.
Sesser Pave & Seal will stripe Samuel Road next week. Farrar also gave PSC a list of other Village roads that also need to be striped. The cost to stripe the other roads will be $13,420.95, and the cost to stripe Samuel will be 12,025.50.
Motion 4: Harbin made the motion and Bruyns seconded the motion to pay Sesser Pave & Seal Inc. 12,025.50 for striping Samuel Road and $13,420.95 for additional roads within the Village; money to be paid out of Motor Fuel. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
Sewer Plant Application
Potts told the Board that construction of the Carterville Sewer Plant will not start for at least two years.
Robbie Church
Potts told the Board that PSC has developed plans for the rerouting and replacement of the sewer line that runs through the Church property. The plans include terracing the water way so that erosion is limited, and redoing the concrete apron that runs on the east side of Main.
Motion 5: Oetjen made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to put the replacement of the sewer line on Robbie Church’s Property out for bid. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
Charles Avenue
Skuta Construction is waiting for the sewer lining to come in. Once the sewer lining is in, work will begin on installing the lining on Charles Avenue.
Department Heads
Water Report—Water Appeals (Pam Borders)
- There were 809 water customers
- 622 garbage customers
- 0 building permits
- 6 new customers
- 7 final customers
- Room Rental 0
Online payment update: United Systems and Nexbillpay are working together to complete the computer link for the pay-on-line project. According to United Systems the project should go online by the middle of December. As soon as the system is operational a letter will go out to all water customers explaining the new pay option.
Jennifer Bingamon resigned her position as Water Clerk effective October 31, 2024. The Water Clerk position was advertised and after reviewing the applications, Pam Borders, Jaci Chapman, and Sam Jones interviewed two applicants. Catherine “Katie” Kane was hired to work 30 hours a week at $16.00 an hour. She passed a background check, physical, and drug test and started working November 18, 2024.
One Water Appeal
Justin Christianson and Alexis Pennington had a malfunction on the water timer in their green house. The excess water that was used was due to this malfunction. The excess water used did not go through the Village sewer. They would like some monetary relief from the excess sewer bill due to the water leak. The Board decided to look at their sewer bill for the last three months and based on their average sewer bill for those last three months charge them that rate for the time of their water leak.
Street/Water—Sewer (Ryan Farrar)
- Ron Modglin and Farrar met with the EPA regarding the close proximity of the water and sewer mains on Jackson St. The EPA asked PSC to investigate the vertical and horizontal separation of the water and sewer main, and try to find any construction permits regarding the placement of these lines. PSC will locate the lines and explain why the Village cannot relocate them.
- The water/street staff have been continuing to fill the water tower manually each day. This is time consuming for staff and results in additional overtime. Farrar told the Board that Municipal Equipment gave the Village the lowest bid for providing new telemetry for the tower and booster station. The new telemetry should be installed on November 21.
- Lucas Mitchell has been hired to replace Jamie Needham.
- The EPA has sent out notice that they are requiring water systems to monitor chlorine in the drinking water 7 days/week instead of the normal 5 days/week. Farrar is looking into purchasing a Chlorine Automation Monitor.
David Lindley
Chief Lindley presented a written report.
Old Business
Tiny Homes Ordinance
Tabled until December Meeting.
Solar Ordinance
Tabled until December Meeting.
Online Payment
See under Water Report
Communication Between Water Towers
The communication system between the ground storage tank and the water tower has been inoperable for several months. The Village is having to pay workers to manually control water levels on the weekends, and sometimes there is an overflow of water which costs the Village money. Acting President Jones called all Board Members and asked if he could purchase telemetry for the tower and booster station from Municipal Equipment for approximately $13,000.00. Board Members gave him permission to purchase the equipment.
Lawler Sign
Lawler’s Business has asked the Village if they could put up a sign by Mr. Tuxedo off of Route 13. The Board decided to grant Mr. Lawlers request for a permit to put up a sign. There is a yearly $150.00 fee for a sign.
New Business.
Greater Egypt- Pepsi
Pepsi MidAmerica has request that they be allowed to put 140 acres in the Williamson County Enterprise Zone. Cary Minnis explained to the Board that Pepsi can get a tax exemption on natural gas, and they may qualify for additional sales tax relief if they are in an Enterprise Zone.
Motion 6: Oetjen made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 2024-11-01 An Ordinance to Add Territory to the Williamson County Enterprise Zone Village of Crainville. Bruyns (Nay) Jones (Yea), Harbin (Yea). The Acting President declared the motion carried.
Christmas Party
The Village Christmas Party will be at J. T. on the Hill in Ziegler, at 6:00 pm on December 13. RSVP to Pam by the 9th of December.
Customer Appreciation Day
Customer Appreciation Day will be on December 4 at the Village Hall.
Motion 7: Harbin made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to allot $300.00 for Customer Appreciation Day on December 4, 2024. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
Christmas in Carterville
Motion 8: Rains made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to donate $200.00 to Christmas in Carterville. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
Jeff Kurtz – BTOB License
Jeff Kurtz wants to purchase the old American Magnetics Building and turn it into a private Bocce Ball court. He does not want to sell liquor but would like for people to be able to bring their own booze (BTOB). The Village Attorney will review the Village Liquor Ordinance. This request is tabled until the December Meeting.
Raises for Incoming Board Officers
Motion 9: Harbin made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to raise the Village President monthly salary to $1400, the Village Clerk monthly salary to $900.00, and incoming Village Trustees monthly salary to $280.00 a month. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
Executive Session
The Board did not go into Executive Session
Motion 10: Harbin made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to adjourn the November 12, 2024 Board Meeting at 8:30 pm. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Jacquelyn Chapman, Village Clerk
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