2024 Village Board Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting

Tuesday July 09, 2024



         Mike Harbin                   Yea                           Sam Jones                      Yea

         Julie Aue                        Yea                           John Oetjen                    Yea

         Martin Bruyns Jr.           Yea                           Jim Rains                       Yea

         Brad Olson                     Yea                          Jaci Chapman                 Yea

         Tena Steinacher              Nay


A quorum was present:




Minutes from the June 11, 2024 Board Meeting were presented.  There were no corrections.


Motion 1:  Harbin made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to approve the June 11, 2024 Village Board Meeting minutes as presented.  All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report:


The Treasurer’s report was given to all Board Members prior to the meeting.


Motion 2:  Oetjen made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to approve bringing $40,000 from the Illinois Funds to the Village of Crainville’s General Fund. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.




July 2024 bills were presented. The annual payment to Santander Financial for the dump truck was added $26,718.48.  Half the money to come out of General Account and half out of Water Account. ($13,374.24 out of each account).


Motion 3:  Aue made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to pay the July 2024

bills as corrected. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.


Visitor Participation  


No Visitor Participation. (visitors present at the meeting were on the agenda)


PSC Engineering Reports (Ron Modglin Reporting)


Samuel Road--Update


PSC told the Board that the binder is down on Samuel Road. Benji Cain will work on reshaping the ditch on Samuel, and after he is finished with the ditch work the surface material will be put down. A question was brought up regarding putting a load limit up on Samuel after the road work is complete. No decision was made on the load limit.


Main Street –North Drainage


On the intersection of Main Street and Grand where the two roads join there is a “V” that hinders a smooth transition from road to road. The Village added permapatch and cold patch which will temporarily help with the transition. Farrar met with Rodney Potts (PSC Engineering) and Jerry Hampton from Carterville. They decided that the two communities will work together to fix this problem with the intersection. The project will be done in two phases. Phase one will concentrate on the culvert, and ditching.  Phase two will be reshaping the transition and paving the area which will make a more permanent transition from one road to another.


Robbie Church


Potts told the Board that after reviewing the pictures of the sewer line on Robbie Church’s property; PSC did determine that there was root growth through the joints of the clay pipe and is causing leakage. Potts presented the Board with three options for fixing the sewer issues on Churches property. (1) line the sewer line and manholes, (2) put in new sewer line, and (3) do nothing with the sewer line but regrade and rework the ditch. Jones will get in touch with Robbie Church to discuss the options.


Charles Avenue


The Water Department has had several calls from residents on Charles Avenue regarding their sewer backing up. The sewer line on Charles has had, in the past, a problem with roots growing through the line which is causing the sewer backups. The Water Department has periodically jetted out the line, but the last sewer backup was so severe that the Water Department had to call Skuta to come in and use their jetter to clean the line out. The long-term fix would be to either line the sewer or install a new sewer line. Potts will put the project out for bid.


Sewer Gas Issues


Several residents that live on Marion Street were present and they have concerns regarding the sewer gas smell. The smell is particularly bad after a rain, and the smell is infiltrating into their homes. Farrar has put deodorizing blocks into system, inspected the line, and adjusted floats to shorten the detention time at the lift station. The odor gets better but comes back after a few days. Potts will inspect the issue and report back to the Board.


Department Heads


Water Report—Water Appeals (Pam Borders)


  1. There were 804 water customers
  2. 619 garbage customers
  3. 3 building permits
  4. 4 new customers
  5. 7 disconnects
  6. Room Rental 1 ($45.00)


There were three Water Appeals.


Mikane Rains and Alma West filled their swimming pool and would like a credit for the excess sewer charge. Rose Burge had a water leak.


Motion 4: Oetjen made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to charge Mikane Rains and Ama West their average sewer bill for the month they filled their pools. Rose Burge will be charged her average water bill; water used in excess of her average water bill will be charged at the Village Water Rate from Rend Lake. Ms. Burge will be charged for the sewer. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.


Street/Water—Sewer (Ryan Farrar)


  1. Put in two new water services.
  2. Flushed and lubricated all the fire hydrants
  3. Worked on the lift station that had a pump not working
  4. Worked on water meters that are not working
  5. Lagoon started to turn over; kept aerators going and duckweed at bay
  6. Storms caused major problems with the water tower communications. There was a damaged CPU unit which had to be replaced.


David Lindley


Presented written report.


Old Business


Employee Medical Insurance


Jones told the Board that he has looked at several health insurance plans for Village Employees. Jones recommended that the Board continue with the Blue Cross Blue Sheild Plan that is currently in place. The cost will be $3,940.12 per month


Motion 5: Rains made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to renew the Blue Cross Blue Shield Employee Health Insurance Plan for $3,940.12 per month for 4 employees.  All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.


Crainville Gardens—Flag Pole


Motion 6: Harbin made the motion and Bryuns seconded the motion to purchase a flag pole for Crainville Gardens cost will be $559.90. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.


Fire Hydrant


In May a truck ran over one of the Village’s fire hydrants located off of Old Route 13. The cost to replace the fire hydrant, labor involved, and equipment used was $5,322.20. The insurance company has been contacted and a collection letter will be sent out.


Village Phones


The Village has replaced 5 phones that the President, the Street/Water Department, and the Chief of Police use.


Old Truck


The Village has sold the old truck for $2,000.00.


New Business.


Nathan Palmer

Nathan Palmer has an approved plat for a proposed subdivision behind Grand Estates. He would like to split construction of the subdivision into two phases. The Board said that he will have to submit a new plat to the Board for approval.




Kevin McCamish and lawyers from the Campanella Law Firm were present at the meeting. The Board told Mr. McCamish and his Attorney that any discussion regarding the Sewer Replacement Project and Property Easement will have to be conducted between respective attorneys.




Motion 7:  Rains made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to pass ‘

Ordinance 2024-07-01 Annual Appropriation Ordinance. Budget and Revenue All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.


Motion 8:  Harbin made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to pass Ordinance 2024-07-02 Ordinance Abating General Obligation Bond Tax Levy for the Tax Year of 2024. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.


Motion 9:  Aue made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to pass Ordinance 2024-07-03 An Ordinance Levying Taxes for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.


Motion 10: Rains made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to pass Resolution 2024-07-01 Budget and Revenue Resolution of the Village of Crainville for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.


Executive Session


Motion 11: Aue made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to go into Executive Session at 7:40 pm to discuss personnel and legal issues. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.


The Board returned to regular Board Meeting at 8:15 pm.


Motion 12: Harbin made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to approve the 2024 revised addition of the Employee Handbook. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.


Motion 13: Harbin made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to close the front office from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm Monday through Friday. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.


Motion 14: Harbin made the motion and Bruyns seconded the motion to adjourn the July 9, 2024 Board Meeting at 9:00 pm. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.





                                                                                 Respectfully Submitted                                

                                                                                 Jacquelyn Chapman, Village Clerk